CCR Links

"Ring Tones" Newsletter

The official newsletter of CCR.

Fall 2018

Did You Know?

Handbells are made of Bronze, an alloy consisting of 80% Copper and 20% Tin. This particular alloy ratio is known as "bell metal."

What is an "English" handbell?

The term 'English' refers to the clapper mechanism rather than the country of origin. English handbell clappers move on a single plane (back and forth) rather than any direction or axis, like a school bell.

Here's a text link.

The Capital City Ringers Handbell Ensemble - Links

A few handbell groups:

Capital City Ringers Handbell Ensemble- Lansing, MI

Classical Bells - of Metropolitan Detroit

Detroit Handbell Ensemble - Detroit, MI

Embellish - Grand Rapids, MI

Kalamazoo Ringers - Kalamazoo, MI

The Magic of Bronze
- Orlando, FL

Raleigh Ringers - Raleigh, NC

Sonos - the Bay area, CA

Lansing Area Ministry of Bells (LAMB) - Sponsor of the Spring Ring and Beginning Ringers and Directors Workshops and sister organization of the Capital City Ringers.


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