The Capital City Ringers Handbell Ensemble - Photos
Photos from our Spring 2010 show, "Bells on Broadway," featuring songs from on and off Broadway plus the Big Screen. New concert attire and special character costuming made this show lots of fun!
New concert attire...
The Phantom of the Opera made an appearance...
Then Hercules saved the day...
Put on your Top Hats and Taps Shoes for Broadway!
Jane performed some conducting magic for Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Then she got carried away by the Prirates of the Carribean.
A close up of the scurvy dogs.... Aaarrrrrrrrrrrr!
Then Princess Leia (complete with "Leia buns") saved the day
in the Best of John Williams.
Inspector Clouseau hot on the trail of the Pink Panther in Mancini Magic.
Finally, the red sahses came out for Les Miserables.
From our 2007 Fall tour, the sign for the Dogwood Center
for Performing Arts in Freemont, MI.
This is the same venue at which Campanile played a couple years
previously. It's nice to see OUR
name in lights, too!
From the Tuba Bach
Chamber Music Festival concert series in Big Rapids, MI, October
2008. CCR
was proud to be guest artists for this series. Here, Dr. Edward K.
Mallett address the auidence.
Dr. Edward K. Mallett performing a solo on euphonium.
CCR's own Jane C. Wright, was the guest conductor for
the Tuba Bach
Chamber Music Festival.
Dr. Edward K. Mallett rehearsing his Shofar solo.
Guest conductor, Jane C. Wright, provides instruction to the performers during a rehearsal.
New photos to be added soon - check back often!
Sound clip of the world famous (literally!) G3 crash that occured when
the main assembly screw snapped in half. The piece is Cathy Moklebust's
"Meditation on 'Beautiful Savior'" as we performed in Grand
Haven, Michigan during CCR's Spring Tour in April of 1998. The
crash occurred somewhere in the middle during the highly emotional climax
of the piece. I was really banging away with everything I had when the
screw snapped and sent the casting flying into the windchime and suspended
cymbal in front of me and came to rest on the Choirchimes (tm)
at the front of my table. The clapper assembly and handgaurd flew and
landed on the floor in the middle of our tables (U-shaped arrangement).
The really amazing thing was that nobody missed a beat. In fact, if
it were not for the crash sound, one would not be able to discern that
anything had happened. I just happend to have spare parts on hand
(including a new clapper assembly for a G3) and repaired the bell in
about 5 minutes and we continued the concert. The clip is a 311
kb .wav file sampled at 12,000 Hz, 8-bit stereo for a duration of 13.25
seconds. Click on the link to download.
Kim holds the G-Zero and A-Zero bells at the Malmark factory in Plumsteadville,
PA in July, 2001. These are the largest "playable" handbells in
the world and are one of a kind. You won't find handbells this large
anywhere else. Designed for research purposes, the knowledge and insight
gained in developing these bells is then transferred to the production of
"normal" size bells.